Home Sharing: The Key Benefits in 2021

Home sharing is aiming to tackle two of the biggest challenges facing Britain.

Talk to people over a certain age, and it doesn’t take long to pin down the key issue facing our ever-aging population. Over 3 million people aged over 60 live alone, with 1 in 10 people over 65 admitting that they feel lonely most, or all of the time.

Speak to younger generations, particularly those who come out of university not just with a degree, but also a lifetime of debt, and you’ll find that often, breaking onto the housing ladder and being financially sustainable is their greatest anxiety.

The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated each of these challenges enormously.

This is where home sharing comes in, to address two of the most pressing issues in the country, and offer a simple, elegant solution that can help young and old people alike.

What is Home Share Living?

Home sharing brings older people, who have comfortable homes but find themselves lonely, together with younger people who struggle to find affordable housing.

In exchange for low cost accommodation, the homesharer provides around 10 hours of care for their householder. People who feel anxious about living alone or looking after themselves properly can live in security, knowing they have someone to simply look out for them.

We work by ensuring every match between our homesharers and householders is mutually beneficial. It is crucial to bare in mind that cheap housing is not the only benefit for young people that enter the scheme. Home sharing is an opportunity for them to learn skills, life lessons, expand their horizons, and above all, establish a genuine friendship.

Each home share ensures this mutual benefit. Homesharer applicants are interviewed, before householders are vetted to make sure that their house is liveable.

A coordinator carefully selects matching homesharers and householders. From there the homesharer and householder have the opportunity to meet, along with any family members, to make sure they’re a good match.Deciding whether the companion is right for you takes time – which is why we organise a trial stay. This is a great way to feel reassured that the right match has been made

If everyone is happy for the share to go ahead, the coordinator will draw up an agreement that lays out the support the young person staying will offer, tailored to the specific needs of the householder.

The Benefits of Home Sharing in the UK

So essentially, home sharing is about bringing two people together, not only to help a young person to find cheap housing or provide living support for someone experiencing loneliness, but to do so in a way that establishes real friendships, and can genuinely turn a person’s life around.

There are three key benefits to home sharing: .

Solving Loneliness

Loneliness is now at the most prevalent it has ever been in the UK. Home sharing offers a chance to people experiencing loneliness to invite someone to stay in their home and keep them company.

Those living alone may feel anxious about looking after themselves properly, and someone around the house, helping with everyday tasks like cleaning, cooking or even reading is a huge help. Even simply sleeping in the same house can offer a sense of security at night, just knowing that there is someone nearby.

Elderly people, more vulnerable to Covid-19, are in particular need of support during times of lockdown. Someone who can run to the shop or order food online can be so beneficial, and can have a huge impact on the health and happiness of older residents in 2021, as well as their families.

And loneliness is not limited to elderly people.

Lockdown has resulted in one in four people experiencing loneliness in the last year, young people living alone or with strangers can also feel isolated, especially in lockdown.

With another lockdown seemingly upon the horizon, finding someone to live with who can offer support and friendship could be life-saving to those dreading the thought of a winter in isolation.

Affordable Housing for Young People

Amongst the younger population, the economic impact of Covid-19 has left 38% of 16-24 year olds feeling as though ‘they will never succeed in life’, and 45% resigning themselves to a lower paid job to make ends meet.

The average age of first buyers has risen to 34, leaving many young people disillusioned at the thought of ever owning a property. 

Particularly in places like London, young working people essentially have two choices. Pay extortionate rent that leaves them unable to save up to eventually put a deposit down on a house, or commute vast distances and lose the all-important work-life balance.

Home sharing represents an opportunity for young people struggling to save or aspire to their dream career.

They can stay in convenient locations in comfortable homes, whilst saving money effectively. They can live more easily on a lower wage, in jobs they enjoy more, all whilst offering real, tangible support to someone.

Rent is a huge part of living cost amongst young people, and feeling more financially secure in a country where financial insecurity is a major anxiety amongst their demographic is hugely beneficial. 

Bringing People Together with Home Sharing

Whilst the practical benefits are clear, they only really scratch the surface of just how beneficial home sharing is.

To really get an idea of what both parties can get out of a home share, you have to focus on what matters - the people.

‘It felt like an exciting experience because it’s not like anything I’ve done before. We have vastly different lifestyles and it’s quite fun how they crossover and I really enjoy the time that we spend together.

Margaret is very friendly and has lived a very interesting life so she’s great to talk to! I guess the best thing is forming a friendship with someone who I wouldn’t typically interact with in a student lifestyle.’ Holly, 21

‘There have been a number of highlights, making it hard to single out any one, but I must mention the surprise 85th birthday party that Ezra threw for me. I honestly had no idea that anything was afoot, only to return from coffee with a neighbour to find friends and family from all corners of the country gathered in my garden. A wonderful barbecue and a truly memorable afternoon. An example of Ezra’s astonishing kindness and thoughtfulness.’ Alan, 85

In today’s world, where loneliness, made worse by Covid-19, can so often lead to a spiral of depression, human relationships are more important than ever. 

Age isn’t, and should not be perceived as, a barrier that prevents people establishing meaningful relationships. Home sharing is truly the perfect gateway to make a real difference to someone’s life.


Home Sharing in the UK